Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm in Great Company!

What do I have in common with these people?

We are all breast cancer SURVIVORS!

All the literature I have read states that when you have had your carcinoma surgically removed and the pathology report verifies the area is free of cancer, then you make the transition from cancer victim to cancer survivor.  Today I received my pathology report verifying that the last of the cancer has been removed from my body.  I have transitioned to survivor.

The next thing on my to do list is to take all the necessary steps (radiation and probably tamoxifen) to make sure that the cancer can't come back easily.  It's still a long road ahead.  But today I celebrate.  I am beautiful, intelligent and talented, like the above women.  But most of all, like these women I have long admired, I am STRONG and I am a SURVIVOR!!!!!

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